Chinese Signs
The English translations of Chinese signs never cease to amuse you, ranging from great spelling mistakes to the totally bizarre. Since my chinese is still crap I feel bad taking the mickey but I will anyway.
Actually I really like this one. Its the first thing you see as you walk out of the Beijing airport terminal, actually quite inspiring!
This was at the Great Wall. Not sure what it means really but difficult to disagree!
Difficult to read this but it is the rules in the back of taxis in Shanghai and the whole thing is ridiculous, ranging from the warning "Do not dump in taxis" to "Psychos or drunkards without a guardian are prohibited to take taxis"

This one's from Madrid but I always thought it was a pretty funny address!
Vive Les Mariés!
The reason we were back in London was to celebrate with Emily and Jason on their special day. Somehow they had organised sunshine in mid-March which was
very impressive!
The proud father of the bride and the lovely Emily!
"You may now kiss the bride!" (no tongues!) Jason checking it was the marriage certificate and not a
sneaky pre-nup!
The Lovely Happy Couple!!

Say Cheeeeeese! (fromage)

The other happy couple!!!
Congrats on your engagement guys! We are falling like flies!

One more gone!
Don't get excited! He's not mine!.....not yet!
Mind the knife!

Ken, looking a lot livelier than he did the night before!
Fabrice and I are without doubt the best dancers, even if only we know it!
Billie Jean is NOT my girl!
Cécile is!!!
Emily ignoring her husband already!

Don't blame her!
Thanks guys, we had a brilliant time and all the best for the future - we love you both!
London baby!
We popped back to London for a few days and despite my flight being cancelled and it taking me 32 hours to get there we had a great time celebrating Emily and Jason's wedding.

First we had a day wandering around London in the Spring sunshine which was lovely. We went to the Affordable Art Fair in Battersea (and only found out afterwards that our friend Paul now works there!)

Then we had lunch with Sophie and Sonny. Sonny was trying to hide from the paparazzi!

Then drinks with friends and off to Tom and Ren's for dinner where Oliver was very keen to get in the pictures!

Ken had one too many!
P'tite Virée en octobre dernier...2006
Vive les bretons! Comme a chaque retour, on a feté - dignement! - mon retour a Brest avec tous les potes et nous avons passé une superbe belle soirée au resto/pizzeria La Scala!!! Mais bien sur auparavant comme toujours nous sommes allés boire une verre a l'Heming...histoire de bien commencer la soiree...koi!

Ma p'tite Anega!! chérie!

Jim mon p'tit coquin!

Ma coco...qui va se marier en septembre prochain! Youpi!

Jim et Karen!

Sylvie et Fred!

Big bisous de .... Brest!!!! Vive la Bretagne!!!

Les p'tits rigolos!! On vous a vus!!!

Mon p'tit Nono...

Bravo au Trio!

Mon Beny adoré!!

Allez on trinque!! Vive l'amitié!
...Et ca rigole!!!!!

Merci mes bretons et bretonnes! A la prochaine!