Holidays in Brest
Then it was off to Brest to see Cecile's family and friends

This is Sarah, Cecile's new neice.

With cool hair!
Alex with his cousin Tomas
Tom shows Sarah some love!

Fun at the beach

Tom with his mum and grandma

La Famille Nguyen!
Cecile and Tom in Paris
Cecile and Tom headed off on holiday early to spend some time in Paris.

Most beautiful city on earth, especially when the weather is like this!

Tom loved it!

He met Lolo

Enjoyed the cafe lifestyle

Cecile Birthday
Before heading back to Europe we celebrated Cecile's birthday at FCC

Claire and Bryce getting ready to be parents!

half naked kim with Natalia and Bruno

Guillaume and Phone-Pha

Daryl and I were heading to a eurotrash party afterwards, hence his t-shirt. Although I've seen him wear it several times afterwards!

Nancy was going to the same party but she's all about the glamour!

Happy Birthday baby!