Beach break with the Doubells
We headed down to Biarritz for Katherine and G's wedding a couple of days early to catch some time at the beach with Tom, Ren and Ollie.


Mmmmmm Beeeer!

Somebody's pregnant!

Beach Babes!
In the past 2 weeks I've been to Bangalore, London, Biarritz, Brest, Mumbai, Delhi, Jakarta, Hanoi, Saigon, Singapore and finally back to Shanghai!
Here's some Bangalore pics:
The only way to travel in Bangalore!
Bollywood cinema
Main street in downtown Bangalore
Indian Style!

Apparently I'm going to be rich and successful and anyone who stands in my way will be destroyed!
Cécile and I are expecting TWINS!!! Here's the first couple of pics of them:
Not many photos but next day we headed to Jean Michel's for a BBQ.

LOTS of food!

And goodbye to the tache!
Housewarming Party!!!
Finally, after 7 months... we got round to having our housewarming party!

Cecile was in charge of organisation and cheated by hiring these guys!

Kim: Happy and Smily, he's going to design Cecile's wedding dress

Me too happy and smily!

Kim and his harem, Tracy and Alphae

Will and his fiancee, Will owns Gourmet Lounge which did the catering

Les Frenchies! Fred who moved here from London before us with Sabrina and Guillaume - Tailor extraordinaire with his wife Fan Fa

Tanya pretending she isn't taller than us!
Jean Michel proud of his tache!, Eileen, Cecile, Will and Mark... not so sure!

It was James' idea to break out the Tequila!
Cecile making a speech!

Jean Michel trying on Tanya's hair
Bruno and Natalia, the only French/Uruguayans I know!
Bryce needed Cecile's help to stand!

Close up of the tache!
Almost brothers!
Almost home time!