On the beach
We're off to Thailand for Chinese New Year. Lots of updates when we get back.
Happy New Year, hope the Golden Pig is lucky for all of you!
I had to be in Beijing for meetings on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (yes people work weekends!) so Cecile came up to join me and see the sights. On Friday she visited Tianamen Square and The Forbidden City.
Me voila toute seule a visiter Beijing/Pékin!!!
notre hotel: le Peninsula.
...nos petits amis chinois ont tendance a sécher ...les poissons...comme ceci dans les rues!
Je les trouve super mignons...ils voulaient regarder mon objectif en meme temps que celui de leur fille!!..ben..euh non pas possible...
L'architecture de la Cité est epoustoufflante!


Nous sommes allés diner dans un resto: le Dali, dans la ''vieille partie'' de la ville. C'est un collegue de Scotty qui nous l'a recommande! Ce n'est pas evident de le trouver; on a du faire qqs rues avant de le trouver! Mais cela valait la peine! Nous avons dine comme des rois! Il n'y a pas de menu, c'est en fonction du nombre de clients qu'ils font leur propre cuisine.
We went for dinner in a Yunan restaurant called Dali which was great. It was totally hidded away in an old Hutong which are the old-style lanes and residential areas in Beijing.
On Saturday morning we headed off to Simatai which is a section of the Great Wall outside of Beijing around 2 hours drive away. There is a saying from Mao Zedong "He who has not climbed the Great Wall is not a true man" and many of my friends in Beijing remind me of this! Well now I've done it!
Donc samedi matin, direction: La Grande Muraille de Chine! Cela nous a pris 2h pr y aller. Il existe plusieurs sections a visiter, nous avons choisi la section appelee Simatai.
This is the wall from below where you start the walk, you can just make out the guard towers in the distance.
et voici qqs apercus de la muraille..nous avons fait 6 tours!!! Youpi!
C'est magnifique n'est ce pas???????
Respirez le grand air!!

The Great Wall was originally built over 2000 years ago in the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. It has been added to and restored at various stages and is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Great Wall gets a double thumbs up from me!
And in case you are reading Martin, don't worry they have blackberry access so I was still working on that deal! Eh oui....le blackberry de scotty fonctionne tout la haut! Incroyable ...mais vrai!
Voici une des collegues de Scotty, elle s'apl Hope (Espoir) et qui a traduit nos noms en chinois.
Saturday night we went out with Hope who is not only the best interpreter in China but is also responsible for coming up with Cecile and my Chinese names, which everyone loves! Thanks Hope! Merci Hope!
Coucou!!Big bisous de Beijing!
On Sunday we went to The Temple of Heaven in Beijing before heading home.